How does Net Neutrality affect your business?

The internet is a constantly evolving space that shows no sign of slowing. Along with these advancements in technology, so too are the laws surrounding this tech. What does this mean for you and your business? It can mean a wide variety of things, but in order to stay on top of your industry it requires that your business evolves with these technological and legal changes that are continually taking place. Paul S. Maxwell, CEO at Media Max Advisors and expert on the Federal Communications Commission, will be in South Bend, Indiana at the Century Center on Tuesday, January 23rd at 4pm to explain the importance of current regulatory changes that have been taking place regarding the internet and how this can affect you and your business. Maxwell will be presenting an in-depth analysis of Net Neutrality laws and their importance in delivering an equal internet for the continued success of not just your individual business, but every internet user.

Now why should an unrestricted, equal internet matter to your businesses’ continued success? The answer to this is actually quite simple. The reversal of Net Neutrality has given the large Internet Service Providers (ISP), such as AT&T, Comcast, and many others, the power to determine what content is delivered and how fast that delivery is going to take to reach your computer. This means that an ISP can give one website a “fast lane” connection, while at the same time giving another website a “slow lane” connection. This ability for an ISP to determine what deserves a fast lane versus a slow lane was restricted by Net Neutrality laws until their recent repeal. Your business could greatly suffer due to these changes. Slow connections to commonly used websites or business applications can mean loss of profits and less productivity. Maxwell examines these concepts in much further depth and explains how you can work to maintain an internet that does not hinder you from succeeding during his upcoming speech in South Bend.

For more information about how you can attend this engaging and highly relevant conversation at the Civic Center, please feel free to click here!

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